Starting web server

Generic instructions for starting the web server in any of the starter-kit projects.

Find the project

Under the projects folder open the project you want, e.g. web-demos.

Open a terminal

Right click on index.js and choose “Open in Integrated Terminal”

Start the web server

In the new terminal type:

node index.js

You should see:

A possible error

If you don’t see that, you may instead see something like this:

In that case

In the terminal type:

npm i

You should see this:

Then try again

Now you can try again to start the server:

node index.js

And now you should see:

Open preview

Once the server starts, at the bottom right of the screen, this dialog should pop up:

You can choose either. For more involved web pages the browser is probably a better choice.

Getting back to your page in the browser

If you close your browser tab, you can get back to it via PORTS.

Hover over the local address

Hover over the local address to reveal some icons. Click the globe to open in the browser.