
I’m clamping down

  • No phones out at all.

  • You can put your phone in the Phone Spa and leave it there until the end of class.

  • Otherwise, if I see your phone, I will take it for he rest of the period.

  • Ms. O’Keefe has also been deputized to take phones.

  • And she loves taking phones.

Why are you such a jerk?

  • The only way to learn to program is to program.

  • Programming is hard.

  • Sometimes it’s frustrating.

  • It is way too tempting to pull your phone out when you are frustrated.


  • Keep your Codespace tab open until the end of class.

  • Likewise, keep a tab open to your Github repository until the end of class. You may want to bookmark this page so you can always get back to it.


  • When you’re in class you should be programming.

  • Programming does include reading documentation.

  • If you need a break, you can watch videos from the growing list on our class website.