DOM events

DOM objects, in addition to being rendened by the browser, can also respond to user actions such as mouse clicks and key strokes.

What is an event?

An event is anything that happens independent of what the code is otherwise doing.

Usually this is when something outside the program such as the user clicking the mouse or typing a key.

In the browser

When an event occurs the browser creates an object with relevant information to represent the event.

For instance, an event representing a mouse click would include information such as the position on the screen where the click happened, whether there were any shift or control keys held down at the time, and what element was clicked.

Event handlers

Event handlers are just functions that are called by the browser when events occur.

First consider a normal function

As you should recall from last semester, we normally define a function by assigning a function value to a variable:

const foo = (e) => {
  // do something

The variable is foo and the function is everything to the right of the =.

An event handler

Change the place we assign the function value to a property of an element.

// Get an object representing the first paragraph
// in the document
const paragraph = document.querySelector('p');

paragraph.onclick = (e) => {
  // do something

This assigns the function value to the onlcick property of the paragraph element.

If that property is set, the browser will call that function when the paragraph is clicked.

We can also used a named function

const paragraph = document.querySelector('p');

const foo = (e) => {
  // do something

paragraph.onclick = foo; // N.B. *not* foo()

Note: we are assigning the value of the function, not calling the function, i.e. foo not foo().

Attaching handlers to existing elements

In the previous slides we used document.querySelector to get an object representing an existing element in the page.

This could be an element that was in the original HTML or an element that was previously added to the document.

Attaching handlers to new elements

When we create objects dynamically with document.createElement we can attach event handlers to them before or after we add them to the page.

For example

const paragraph = document.createElement('p');
paragraph.append(document.createTextNode('Click me!');
paragraph.onclick = (e) => {

This code will add a new paragraph to the document that, when clicked, logs something to the Javascript console.

Up next

If you haven't yet, in your Codespace make a new project from the web-demos kit.

./start-project my-web-demos web-demos

Take a look at the code of the different demos and see how they use event handlers. Then come up with some changes you'd like to make and try to make them.