Did you make the decision to buy these macs or did someone else buy them?

Would you say that computer programing is fun?

Do you know how to crack wpa2 networks without brute forcing it?

When did you start programming? How long have you been programming? How did you first get into programming? Why did you choose programming?

What was your first programming job? What jobs have you had that involved programming?

What languages are good for what jobs?

What's your favorite coding language?

What's your "greatest achievement" in coding?

More of an observation than a question

The lesson on Tuesday was very fast and hard to understand. I don't know how to read the code you are writing and I don't know what => or {} or const or let mean.

Totally fair

What are we gonna learn?

Do you think a hotdog is a sandwich?

I will refer you to

Hot dogs are tacos.

And potato chips are toast.