
Pull requests

Using the Help system

Q1 Progress reports are coming

Pull requests, a.k.a. PRs.

Opening a PR. (demo)

Find open PRs. (demo)

After the PR is open

The second thing you do every day (after writing your start-of-class journal entry) is look at your open PRs.

Reply to questions I ask in comments.

Make code changes. Then leave a comment that mentions my handle @gigamonkey.


Order of operations

Create a PR when you finish an assignment before you start the next assignment.

Respond to comments in open PRs before you work on other things.

Merge PRs as soon as they are approved.

You can open a PR even before you are done with an assignment, especially if you have questions. I will answer your questions in comments.

Getting help

Use the help queue

This will help make sure everyone gets their turn.

Helping each other


But make sure you are helping, not just giving them the answer.

Everyone needs to understand all the code they submit.

Q1 Progress reports

Will be posted 9/20.

Your grades in IC are based on current assessments.

If you joined the class late, let’s talk about what I’ll be grading you on.