This is quite an open-ended project. The basic idea is to make a web page that
can quiz you on some material using something like flash cards. One way to
approach it would be HTML-centric: make a web page where you write the cards
in HTML and then write just enough Javascript to control which cards are shown
when. This has the advantage that you can use all of the features of HTML in
your flashcards: formatting, images, etc.
Another approach would be to write a more generic web page and then load flashcard data into it using Javascript. In that world you might fetch sets of questions and answers from your webserver and maybe even have a menu on the page to allow you to pick different ones.
Also interesting to play with is the strategy for showing the cards. Spaced repitition is a technique that involves asking the same question at increasing intervals as long as you get them right.
Another thing to think about is what ways you can take advantage of the fact that you're not limited by physical flashcards. Maybe you want to have three sided flashcards with a question, an initial answer, and then a more complete answer. Anything you can imagine, you can probably program.