
Write any expression that evaluates to the number 10.

Two plus two

Write any expression that evaluates to the same thing as two plus two.

1337 times 32

Write any expression that evaluates to the same thing as the product of 1337 and 32

A million

Write any expression that evaluates to the value one million.

Sally's apples

Sally had six apples and she gave four to Billy. Write an expression for the number of apples Sally has now.

Sally's even more apples

Sally had six thousand, four hundred and thirty two apples and she gave four thousand to Billy. Write an expression for the number of apples Sally has now.

Area of circle with radius 2

Write any expression that evaluates to the area of a circle with radius two. (Recall that the formula for the area of a circle is π times the square of the circle's radius.) You can use Math.PI to get a good approximation of π.

Seconds in a day

Write any expression that evaluates to the number of seconds in a day.

Minutes in a year

Write any expression that evaluates to the number of minutes in a year. Assume a non-leap year.

Seconds in a century

Write any expression that evaluates to the number of seconds in a century. (For simplicity assume all the years are 365 days.)